What is your domain worth? (for paid links or selling domain)

Last updated on March 13th, 2021

CoinsWhether you’re looking to sell some advertising space, sell your domain, or just fancy knowing…. many of us wonder what our domain is really worth.

Here’s a great tool that applies several criteria to come up with a value it deems your domain to be worth:


It looks at:

  • Domain Age
  • PageRank (and whether its a valid PageRank)
  • Inbound Links
  • AlexaRank
  • Number of other Domains on same server

In truth, the best way is probably to search for similar sites that are for sale, and see what they end up selling for. But this is a far quicker, and more fun way! One thing we think this doesn’t look at, that is important, is keywords in your domain name.

BeachyUK.com is apparently worth a disappointing $390… with $3 per month possible from links… certainly has us wondering 😉

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