Google Adsense: Adsense Javascript missing from page source

Having just spent a frustrating hour trying to trace the reason why my websites were no longer displaying Google Adsense ads, I thought I’d share in-case others have the same issue. The issue I had was that ads weren’t displaying at all, or so I thought. The odd thing was that my revenue suggested some […]

How to research your British family history

1. Start with what you know! Common sense obviously says to start with what you know. That is, speak with members of your family, particularly older members, to see what records may exist, and whether anyone in the family has looked into your family history (“genealogy”) before. I was lucky enough find that my grandfather […]

Google Adsense: Does it pay to block Ad Networks?

I’ve read lots of posts from people claiming that blocking Ad Networks improved their Google Adsense revenue, but never seen any proof. So here’s my stats… Obviously Google Adsense rules means I can’t share actual numbers, but the below graph is my RPM. You will notice that things change in late March, with RPM being […]

Automative Maintenance: Basic Car Maintenance – How to check your car

Whether you’re looking to save money by reducing garage bills, or looking to improve your safety, and that of your passengers, good car maintenance is an excellent place to start. A well maintained car runs more efficiently, and attracts a better price when selling. This post aims to document some of the basics of car […]

Fix “Unknown Error Reported” in BlackBerry Desktop Manager

After a week of swearing at BlackBerry Desktop Manager for refusing to backup or sync my BlackBerry to my laptop, I finally managed to resolve this, and thought I’d share, in-case this helps others. The Error I was getting an “Unknown Error Reported” error message everytime I clicked “Synchronize” or “Backup” in the BlackBerry Desktop […]

Guide to Car Cleaning – Taking care of your car

General Exterior – Wash 1. Use plenty of water. If possible, rinse the car down with a hose first (low pressure so as to wash off grit etc.. without scratching the paintwork). 2. Use a car specific soap (NOT washing up liquid). I use Triplewax Car Shampoo (available from Amazon or eBay, if you don’t […]

Choosing a Pet Insurance Provider

It took me ages to choose a pet insurer for my 2 cats. This post aims to provide the information I learned to help others in their search for a Pet Insurer. What does Pet Insurance cover? Each policy will be different, but you can expect to find policies covering some (or all) of the […]

Cat Insurance Costs – Real UK PetPlan Example

PetPlan is one of the few Pet Insurers in the UK that provide true “for life” cover on claims. This means they will continue to payout year after year for an ongoing illness, where other insurers would stop after 12 months or similar. The trouble is that you have to continue paying for insurance with […]

Pet Insurance: My experience with PetPlan

The fact is that pets aren’t cheap. A simple operation on a cat or dog can easily cost £1000, and that’s where the thought of insurance should come in. This post aims to give a view of one insurer (PetPlan), for those thinking of using them. Personal experience with Pet Plan update: 17th May 2009 […]

iTunes – Get artwork to stay on top of other windows – e.g. Enhanced Podcast Images

I’m a big fan of the BBC’s “Best of Chris Moyles” podcast. This is available as an “enhanced podcast”, which basically means the artwork changes through the podcast, to give you a better experience, with pictures changing through the podcast, as designed by the podcast producer. I’ve remained subscribed to the enhanced podcast for years, […]