An illustration of a stack of boxes, people, a lorry and consumer goods

Are AliExpress and Temu better than Amazon?

For the USA and much of Europe, Amazon is the go-to online marketplace. However, some Chinese outlets (AliExpress, Temu, Banggood etc) have become known for promising significantly cheaper products. In this article I want to share my experience from buying from both AliExpress and Amazon for over 5 years now. What is the difference with […]

Icon for Tasker app

Simplify your life on Android: How I use Tasker automation

Automation has become a vital tool for enhancing productivity and efficiency. From smart home devices to smartphone apps, automation allows us to simplify complex tasks and streamline our daily routines. One of the simple, versatile and powerful automation tools available for Android users is Tasker. In this article, I’m going to introduce Tasker and share […]

A pile of SD cards

How to check an SD card or USB stick is genuine

SD cards and USB sticks have become an essential method of storing data. Whilst USB sticks tend to be used to transfer data, SD cards are used as the primary means of storage in a range of devices including dashcams and smartphones. The market has however become flooded with counterfeit flash storage including USB sticks […]

ESP32 development board, a circuit board with lots of chips and an ESP32 module at the top. This board has header pins installed too.

Getting started with the ESP32 microcontroller

The ESP32 is a powerful and versatile microcontroller that’s perfect for DIY electronics projects. I’ve found them a useful addition to my home tech options, particularly due to their small size and low power consumption. If you’re a Raspberry Pi fan (as I am) the ESP32 offers a smaller, lower power option for simple scenarios […]

Blurred development code to resemble data

Network connectivity monitoring script: Alert failed pings only (Python script)

Monitoring network connectivity can be crucial when investigating an intermittent issue. This article aims to share a simple Python script to monitor network connectivity using the ping command on either Windows or Linux operating systems. The script continuously pings a specified host and logs any connectivity failures, all while maintaining compatibility across different operating systems. […]

Camera on tripod capturing photography of sunset in natural hill scenery.

Removing light flicker in time lapse – in Linux

If you’ve tried creating a time lapse videos from pictures accidentally shot with automatic settings for exposure etc.. you’ve probably noticed some flickering in the final video. Don’t worry, all is not lost. This post shows you how I have managed to remove flicker from a time-lapse video in just such a situation. I do […]

Google search bar with magnifying glass logo missing from the search button

FIXED: Google custom search magnifying glass icon missing

I’ve recently re-added Google custom search (also known as “Google Programmable Search Engine”) as an option from Adsense to this website to make searching for articles easier. Having added the basic Google search code, I was surprised to see that the magnifying glass icon in the search button was missing. So for others suffering with […]

Random batteries laid out on a surface

How to store lithium batteries safely

Storing lithium cells and batteries carefully is crucial as improper storage of lithium cells can lead to significant safety hazards such as fire and health issues, as well as degrading battery life. Those working with lithium must bear these hazards in-mind, both during the lifetime of the associated device (e.g. laptop or smartphone), and in […]

The inside of a hard disk drive, showing the head sat over the disc

Simple Linux backups using 7-zip (7z) and tar

In this post I want to look at the use of Linux terminal commands for a simple and effective backup routine on Linux. We all know we should backup regularly, but it always feels like a pain to perform backups. As a result, most of us have been burnt by the loss of data from […]

Blue shield surrounded by a globe of joined-together network nodes

Cybersecurity best practices for small businesses

In an era dominated by digital advancements, small businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and efficiency. However, this increased reliance on digital platforms also exposes them to cyber threats. I’ve worked in technology implementation and maintenance for 20 years now, and cybersecurity has increasingly become a critical concern for small businesses. Gone are […]

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